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Five ideas to make your home feel warmer and cosy during the cold, winter days

Five ideas to make your home feel warmer and cosy during the cold, winter days

Winter is the perfect time to get started on your spring cleaning.

It’s not about throwing everything out or starting over - this should be a fresh start for both you and your home. There are five things that you can do to declutter your home and make it warmer and more cosy without breaking the bank, including:

1) Take a tour of your home.

Take a tour of your home and make a list of any unwanted/unused items focusing on areas such as wardrobes and cupboards to eliminate expired products, unused equipment etc.

2) Get organised.

Put away last season’s clothing in storage and review your Winter wardrobe, parting ways with any clothing or accessories you no longer wear or items that cannot be upcycled.

3) Layer up.

Pull out your winter bedding and blankets including flannelette sheets, heavy doonas, throws and invest in electric blankets to warm up your bed before bedtime.

4) Get comfy under foot.

Add wool fibre rugs to hard wood and tiled floors for under-foot comfort as this chill sets in.

5) Bring the outdoors in

Natural air filters, indoor plants are a great way to instantly warm up a room by added a natural pop of colour to your home. Remember to tend to your indoor plants during the cooler months with regular watering and trimming of greenery as required.

For more winter décor inspiration for a cosy home check out the range of homewares, bedding, clothing and accessories at Target, St Marys Village at: https://www.target.com.au/